The Hunt for ANDERSON’S Garrison

aka the  JACOB ANDERSON Dig Site, Flying Point, Freeport (formerly) North Yarmouth, Maine, USA

PART 2: June, 2024

We have been working this month on the 7 units that we think may reveal the southerly stone foundation of the former Jacob Anderson house. Historic records indicate the building may have been constructed circa 1747. The first levels were hard digging as the area had once been graveled over and incorporated into a driveway that circled the existing (1850s period) house that still stands on the locus parcel. Numerous 20th century roofing nails, and household artifacts were found and just a teasing of older cut and hand forged nails.

We are now at the bottom of level 6 and are being rewarded with signs of the top of the stone foundation. The next few weeks should be very revealing and informative! ~JTM. 12-28-2024 MUSP Archaeological (surveyor’s) Report

Pamela Crane, preparing to open the first seven units over what may be the south wall of the Jacob Anderson stone foundation.


Kathy uncovering the old gravel surface and various 19th and 20th century household artifacts in the upper soil levels.

At the close of level 6 we are rewarded with glimpses of flat rocks at what may be the top of the stone foundation below.