“…a Scotch-Irish rebellion”

A 250th Anniversary reflection on local “Scotch-Irish” participation in the American Revolutionary War

 April 26, 2025    one event – two venues

Lecture:  11:30am – 1:30pm – Wescustogo Hall Community Center, North Yarmouth

Reception/Social Hour: 1:30pm – 3:00pm – Old Town House, North Yarmouth

The Maine Ulster-Scots Project, in partnership with the North Yarmouth Historical Society and the Pejepscot History Center, will begin celebrations of the 250th anniversary of American independence with a program recognizing those Ulster-Scots (“Scotch-Irish”) emigrants to the Maine frontier and to the North Yarmouth area in particular who participated in the struggle for independence.

The lecture portion of event will feature surveyor, author, and Maine Ulster-Scots Project director, John Mann, who will give a talk on the engagement of his ancestor, Thomas Means (the 2nd) and other Means’ family neighbors who participated in the conflict. (see below)

The reception and social hour will include exhibits of period-specific archived town letters, petitions, and Resolves, as well as other relevant artifacts from the period, and a roster of Ulster-Scots patriots of the North Yarmouth area who likely served in the conflict following the Battles of Lexington and Concord. 

Attendance is free but space is limited, so pre-registration is advised.

More information will be posted on Facebook and here in early March.


“A Scotch-Irish Presbyterian Rebellion”

A 250th Anniversary reflection on local “Scotch-Irish” participation in the American Revolutionary War being held on April 26, 2025

John Mann will give a talk on the life and times of three generations of the Means family and their kin. From the contested borderlands between England and Scotland to the disputed Eastern Frontier of America, they journeyed in search of a home where family, faith, and freedom could ensure economic rewards and religious tolerance, a home unhindered by the meddling of distant political power centers, a home secured by land ownership and extended family ties. A journey that would ultimately lead them to participate on the battlefields of the American Revolutionary War...a revolution which one Hessian soldier described as nothing more than “…a ‘Scotch Irish’ Presbyterian rebellion.”

Pre-registration for the Patriots’ Day Program — one event, two venues — begins on March 1, 2025. To register, contact Julie Potter-Dunlop at: