The Hunt for ANDERSON’S Garrison

aka the  JACOB ANDERSON Dig Site, Flying Point, Freeport (formerly) North Yarmouth, Maine, USA

PART 5: September, 2024

It is September and as the summer wains the information being discovered has increased. We have reinforcements from across the pond to help us! Deirdre Speer-Whyte and Finula Magowan are lending their expertise and  willing hands to our project while they are in Maine learning about our Maine Ulster-Scots heritage. As we dig deeper into the old cellar at the circa 1747 Anderson homestead, the quantity of features and artifacts is increasing. The form of the cellar wall is really showing now. Items associated with cooking, sewing and daily living are being discovered in and around the chimney fall. We are still on the look-out for the base of the chimney, but we must be close. ~JTM. 12-28-2024 MUSP Archaeological (surveyor’s) Report

More of the southerly cellar wall is coming into view.

Reinforcements from Ulster!

A sewing needle and a beautiful piece of decorated wall plaster.

This decorative sheet of wrought iron may have been part of a fireplace oven door.